See Nina Wurzburger's publications on Google scholar
Fitch, A, Goldsmith, S, Lankau, RA, Wurzburger, N, Short, Z, Vrattos, G, Laurent, E and Hicks Pries, C Mycorrhizal associations mediate rhizodeposition, but not soil carbon storage, under elevated nitrogen availability, Global Change Biology.
Tierney, J and Wurzburger, N Phosphorus controls symbiotic nitrogen fixation in fire-dependent longleaf pine savannas, Journal of Ecology.
Wong, MY, Wurzburger, N, Hall, JS, Wright, SJ, Tang, W, Hedin, LO, Saltonstall, K, van Breugel, M, and Batterman, SA Trees adjust nutrient acquisition strategies across tropical forest secondary succession, New Phytologist
Rains, KC, Kraus TEC, Bledsoe CS and Wurzburger N 2024 Experimental evidence that ericoid mycorrhizal shrubs can outcompete ectomycorrhizal trees for nitrogen in tannin-rich litter, Ecosphere
Wurzburger, N, Elliott, K and Miniat CF 2023 Forest mycorrhizal dominance depends on historical land use and nitrogen-fixing trees, Journal of Applied Ecology, 60 1551-1561,
Shao, S, Wurzburger, N, Sulman, B and Hicks Pries, C 2023 Ectomycorrhizal effects on decomposition are highly dependent on fungal traits, climate and litter properties: A model-based assessment, Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,184
Ottinger, SL, Miniat, CF, and Wurzburger, N 2023 Nitrogen and light regulate symbiotic nitrogen fixation by a temperate forest tree, Oecologia 201 565-574,
Liu, L, Zhang, Z, Wang, X, Zhang, R, Wang, M, Wurzburger, N, Li, J and Zhang, J 2023 Urbanization reduces soil microbial network complexity and stability in the megacity of Shanghai, Science of the Total Environment, 893,
Hicks Pries, C, Lankau, R, Ingham, GA, Legge, E, Krol, O, Forrester, J, Fitch, A and Wurzburger, N 2022 Differences in soil organic matter between EcM- and AM-dominated forests depend on tree and fungal identity, Ecology,
Cleveland, CC, Reis, CRG, Perakis, SS, Dynarski, KA, Batterman, SA, Crews, TE, Gei, M, Gundale, MJ, Menge, DNL, Peoples, MB, Reed, SC, Salmon, VG, Soper, FM, Taylor, BN, Turner MG and Wurzburger N 2022 Exploring the role of cryptic nitrogen fixers in terrestrial ecosystems: A frontier in nitrogen cycling research. Ecosystems 25 1653-1669.
Wurzburger, N, Motes, JI and Miniat, CF 2022 A framework for scaling symbiotic nitrogen fixation using the most widespread nitrogen fixer in eastern deciduous forests of the United States, Journal of Ecology,
Liu, L, Barberán, A, Gao, C., Zhang, Z, Wang, M, Wurzburger, N, Wang, X, Zhang, R, Li, J and Zhang, J 2022 Impact of urbanization on soil microbial diversity and composition in the megacity of Shanghai, Land Degradation and Development
Scott, JL, Miniat, CF, Motes, J, Ottinger, SL, Wurzburger, N and Elliott, KJ 2021 Improved allometric equations for black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in the Coweeta Basin, USDA Forest Service Research Paper SRS-64.
Miniat, CF, Oishi, AC, Bolstad, PV, Jackson, RJ, Liu, N, Love, JP, Pringle, CM, Solomon, KJ, Wurzburger, N 2021 The Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory and the Coweeta Long-Term ecological research project, Hydrologic Processes,
Freschet, GT, Pagès, L, Iversen, CM, Comas, LH, Rewald, B, Roumet, C, Klimešová, J, Zadworny, M, Poorter, H, Postma, JA, Adams, TS, Bagniewska-Zadworna, A, Blancaflor, EB, Brunner, I, Cornelissen, JHC, Garnier, E, Gessler, A, Hobbie, SE, Lambers, H, Meier, IC, Mommer, L, Picon-Cochard, C, Rose, L, Ryser, P, Scherer-Lorenzen, M, Soudzilovskaia, NA, Stokes, A, Sun, T, Valverde-Barrantes, OJ, Weemstra, M, Weigelt, A, Wurzburger, N, York, LM, Batterman, SA, Bengough, AG, Gomes de Moraes, M, Janeček, Š, Salmon, V, Tharayil, N & McCormack, ML 2021 A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements. New Phytologist, preprint:
Coughlin, AM, Shefferson, R, Clark, S and Wurzburger, N 2021 Plant-soil feedbacks and the introduction of Castanea (chestnut) hybrids to eastern North American forests, Restoration Ecology, 29:3, 10.1111/rec.13326.
Freschet, G.T., Roumet, C., Comas, L.H., Weemstra, M., Bengough, A.G., Rewald, B., Bardgett, R.D., de Deyn, G.B., Johnson, D., Klimešová, J., Lukac, M., McCormack, M.L., Meier, I.C., Pagès, L., Poorter, H., Prieto, I., Wurzburger, N., Zadworny, M., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Blancaflor, E.B., Brunner, I., Gessler, A., Hobbie, S.E., Iversen, C.M., Mommer, L., Picon-Cochard, C., Postma, J.A., Rose, L., Ryser, P., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Sun, T., Valverde-Barrantes, O.J., Weigelt, A., York, L. & Stokes, A. 2021 Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist,
Carpenter, DO, Taylor, MK, Callaham Jr, MA, Hiers, JK, Loudermilk, EL, O’Brien, JJ, and Wurzburger, N 2021, Benefit or liability? The ectomycorrhizal association may undermine tree adaptations to fire after long-term fire exclusion, Ecosystems 24, 1059–1074.
Perreault, L, Forrester, JA, Wurzburger, N, and Mladenoff, DJ 2020 Emergent properties of downed woody debris in canopy gaps: A response of the soil ecosystem to manipulation of forest structure, Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Ulyshen, M, Horn, S, Brownie, C, Strickland, MS, Wurzburger, N and Zanne, A, 2020 Comparison of decay rates between native and non-native wood species in invaded forests of the southeastern U.S.: A rapid assessment, Biological Invasions, 22 2619–2632 .
Liu, L, Zhu, K, Wurzburger, N and Zhang, J 2020 Relationships between plant and soil microbial diversity vary across taxonomic groups and spatial scales, Ecosphere, 11(1) e02999. pdf
Minucci, JM, Miniat, CF, and Wurzburger, N 2019 Drought sensitivity of an N2-fixing tree may slow temperate deciduous forest recovery from disturbance, Ecology 100(12) e02862. pdf
Brookshire, ENJ, Wurzburger, N, Currey, B, Menge, DNL, Oatham, M and Roberts, C. 2019 Symbiotic N fixation is sufficient to support net aboveground biomass accumulation in a humid tropical forest, Scientific Reports, 9:7571. pdf
Tierney, J, Hedin, L, and Wurzburger, N 2019 Biological nitrogen fixation does not balance fire-induced nitrogen losses in longleaf pine savannas, Ecology 100(7): e02735. pdf
Phillips, CA and Wurzburger, N. 2019 Elevated rates of heterotrophic respiration in shrub-conditioned arctic tundra soils, Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 72:8-15. pdf
Machmuller, MB, Ballantyne, F, Markewitz, D, Thompson, A, Wurzburger, N, Frankson, PT, and Mohan, J. 2018. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in a low-latitude ecosystem varies by season and habitat but is unaffected by experimental warming, Biogeochemistry 141:63-73. pdf
Ament, MR, Tierney, JA, Hedin, LO, Hobbie, EA, and Wurzburger, N. 2018. Phosphorus and species regulate N2 fixation by herbaceous legumes in longleaf pine savannas Oecologia 187 (1), 281-290. pdf
Wurzburger, N and Clemmensen, KE. 2018 From mycorrhizal fungal traits to ecosystems – and back again, Journal of Ecology 106: 463-467. pdf
Zhu, K, McCormack, ML, Lankau, RA, Egan, FF and Wurzburger N. 2018 Association of ectomycorrhizal trees with higher carbon-to-nitrogen ratio soils is driven by smaller nitrogen not larger carbon stocks, Journal of Ecology 106: 524-535. pdf
Wurzburger, N. and Brookshire, E.N.J. 2017 Experimental evidence that mycorrhizal nitrogen strategies affect soil carbon, Ecology 98 (6), 1491-1497. pdf
Minucci, J.M., Miniat, C.F., Teskey, R., and Wurzburger, N. 2017 Tolerance or avoidance: drought frequency determines the response of an N2-fixing tree. New Phytologist 215 (1), 434-442 pdf
Wurzburger, N, Brookshire, ENJ, McCormack, ML and Lankau, RA 2017 Mycorrhizal fungi as drivers and modulators of ecosystem processes. New Phytologist 213: 996-999. pdf
Machmuller, MB, Mohan, JE, Minucci, JM, Phillips, CA, and Wurzburger, N 2016 Season, but not experimental warming, affects the activity and temperature sensitivity of extracellular enzymes. Biogeochemistry 131:255-265. (DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0277-6) pdf
Taylor, MK, Lankau, RA, and Wurzburger, N 2016 Mycorrhizal associations of trees have different indirect effects on organic matter decomposition. Journal of Ecology 104: 1576-1584. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12629) pdf
Wurzburger, N 2016 Old growth temperate forests harbor hidden N-fixing bacteria. New Phytologist 210: 374-376. pdf
Wurzburger, N and Hedin, LO 2016 Taxonomic identity determines symbiotic N2 fixation by canopy trees across lowland tropical forests. Ecology Letters, 19: 62-70. (DOI: 10.1111/ele.12543) Corrigendum for Wurzburger and Hedin 2016 (DOI: 10.1111/ele.12592) pdf
Collins, CG, Wright, SJ, and Wurzburger N 2016 Root and leaf traits reflect distinct resource acquisition strategies in tropical lianas and trees. Oecologia 180:1037-1047. (DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3410-7) pdf
Wurzburger, N and Wright, SJ 2015. Fine-root responses to fertilization reveal multiple nutrient limitation in a lowland tropical forest. Ecology 96: 2137-2146. pdf
Wurzburger, N and Miniat, CF 2014. Drought enhances symbiotic di-nitrogen fixation and competitive ability of a temperate forest tree. Oecologia 174:1117-1126. pdf
Bunch, WC, Cowden, CC, Wurzburger, N, Shefferson, RP. 2013. Geography and soil chemistry drive the distribution of fungal associations in a lady’s slipper orchid, Cypripedium acaule, Botany 91(12):850-856. pdf
Batterman, SA, Wurzburger, N, and Hedin, LO 2013. Nitrogen and phosphorus interact to control tropical N2 fixation: A test in Inga punctata, Journal of Ecology, 101: 1400-1408. pdf
Wurzburger, N, Bellenger, JP, Kraepiel, AML., and Hedin, LO 2012. Molybdenum and phosphorus interact to constrain asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in tropical forests. PLoS ONE 7(3):e33710. pdf
Wurzburger, N, Higgins, BP and RL Hendrick 2011. Ericoid mycorrhizal root fungi and their multicopper oxdiases from a temperate forest shrub. Ecology and Evolution, 2(1): 65-79. pdf
Wright, SJ, Yavitt, JB, Wurzburger, N, Turner, BL, Tanner, EVJ, Sayer, EJ, Santiago, LS, Kaspari, M, Hedin, LO, Harms, KE, Garcia, MN and MD Corre 2011. Potassium, phosphorus, or nitrogen limit root allocation, tree growth, or litter production in a lowland tropical forest. Ecology 92: 1616-1625. pdf
Prior to 2011
Wurzburger, N and RL Hendrick 2009. Plant litter chemistry and mycorrhizal roots promote a nitrogen feedback in a temperate forest. Journal of Ecology 97: 528-536. pdf
Nuckolls, AE, Wurzburger, N, Ford, CR, Hendrick, RL, Vose, JM, and BD Kloeppel 2009. Hemlock declines rapidly with hemlock woolly adelgid infestation: Impacts on the carbon cycle of southern Appalachian forests. Ecosystems 12: 179-190. pdf
Barron, AR, Wurzburger, N, Bellenger, JP, Kraepiel, AML, Wright, SJ and LO Hedin 2009. Molybdenum limitation of asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in tropical forest soils. Nature Geoscience 2: 42-45. pdf
Wurzburger, N and RL Hendrick 2007. Rhododendron thickets alter N cycling and soil extracellular enzyme activities in southern Appalachian hardwood forests. Pedobiologia 50: 563-576. pdf
Ford, CR, Wurzburger, N, Hendrick, RL and RO Teskey 2007. Soil DIC uptake and fixation in Pinus taeda L. seedlings and its C contribution to plant tissues and mycorrhizal fungi. Tree Physiology 27: 375-383. pdf
Wurzburger, N, Hartshorn, AS and RL Hendrick 2004. Ectomycorrhizal fungal community structure across a bog-forest ecotone in southeastern Alaska. Mycorrhiza 14: 383-389. pdf
Wurzburger, N, Bidartondo, MI and CS Bledsoe 2001. Characterization of Pinus ectomycorrhizas from mixed conifer and pygmy forests using morphotyping and molecular methods. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 1211-1216. pdf
Wurzburger, N and CS Bledsoe 2001. Comparison of ericoid and ectomycorrhizal colonization and ectomycorrhizal morphotypes in mixed conifer and pygmy forests on the northern California coast. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 1202-1210. pdf